Martedì, 30 Luglio 2024
ore: 10:00

Talk di Kelly E. Happe, University of Georgia (USA) "The environment is political"

Complesso del Santa Chiara, aula Lai - Alghero + Microsoft Teams

Link Microsoft Teams

Codice Microsoft Teams 3vm8oif

abstract del talk in programma:
In this talk, I will focus on how “environment” is political in ways that we do not necessarily recognize. In particular, I will try to critically reflect on how we shape and employ the concept of “resilience” to think of the environment. “Resilience” is sometimes criticized for being too conservative of a concept, as it is often framed as the ability of people, communities, and environments to “bounce back” after repeated violence and trauma. However other scholars advance a more transformational understanding of resilience, one that offers a way to think about how systems and the people that comprise them don’t just adapt—they learn, transform, and even completely break from older ways of thinking and being. This talk will consider these different meanings and discuss whether resilience, as opposed to other concepts such as anti-fragility and utopia, can provide the conceptual and political means to truly transform a society confronting a number of social, economic, and environmental crises.